
Showing posts from September, 2009

Should I Stay at Home With My Child

Editor's note: be sure to check out the link below to the book 7 Myths of Working Mothers--Why children and (most) careers just don't mix. Question: I am a SAHM of two kids, a toddler and a 5 yr old. I LOVE being a SAHM and hardly ever have days that I feel like I miss being at work. I worked in a fairly creative job but the hours were really bad (not 9-5), I find spending time with my children a much more rewarding experience then working. I feel that this time with them is going by quickly so I am trying to savour it. But, I wonder will I regret not keeping my ties to my old career? Will I regret taking time off work? If I do need to find work again in a few years will it be impossible for me to find it if I haven't been working all this time? I have always found a job easily and feel that if I really wanted to work again I could. -Anon . Roland's Answer: I have never regretted staying at home. I don't care about my own creativity. I care about my kids' crea...