Who is opposed to Proposition 37 - take a look at the hall of shame

I like labels because I want to know what I am eating. I want to know what my family is eating. i want to know if the ingredients are natural or genetically modified organisms, someone called them Frankenfood.

Prop 37 sinply says that the people would like to be able to know what they are eating. They are paying for it.

So I was curious who would be opposed to it. I heard on the radio that it was big pharma, big petrochemical corporations, big processed food manufacturers, and big corporate agribusiness. I read an ad in the Bay Area Guardian that said they are opposed because a lot of processed food contains genetically modified organisms.   They don't want you to know what is in their "food."

So I decided to google search and see for myself. I found the list of the top money givers to try to prevent Californians from knowing what is in their food. 
  • See the fully updated list here
Shame, shame, shame.   Check it out

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