What Does Santa Say?

Santa's Take on Parenting: Secrets from the North Pole . What does Santa have to say about homework, discipline, and chores? . Santa Claus has finally spoken on the subject of parenting. Who is better suited to give advice than the one who has brought joy and delight to children for as long as anyone can remember? . In this modern day Santa story for parents, the reader follows Santa and Mr.s Claus as they work with a couple of kids who come to stay with them. The results are positive and inspirational, as Santa teaches by example how patience and creativity can make parenting a lot more fun and easy. "In this fun filled educational book, the author introduces innovative parenting strategies by using the power of story telling to take the reader on a fictional visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus. The reader learns how Santa and Mrs. Claus handle issues that arise with a pair of youngsters who spend a few months with the Clauses." . What are "time outs Santa St...